
Immersive Experience with Virtual Reality

— 26 January 2018, posted by Jack Lodge

Virtual Reality at BrightSpace Architects

At BrightSpace Architects, through the use of BIM models we have the ability to push the use of Virtual Reality as both a design and presentation tool during multiple stages of a project's lifespan – this provides users and clients with an opportunity to fully immerse themselves within a 3D model, giving a sense of scale and proportion that can be difficult to communicate through traditional 2D methods.

Virtual reality allows us to test ideas with confidence, whether it’s a private residential scheme or a large, mixed-use city centre development, we are able to fully evaluate the relationship between our proposals and their context. We are currently developing our Virtual Reality capabilities for use in the pre-planning process, where it has become an essential tool to engage with clients, planning officers and public engagements to help secure planning.

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